What Netflix series will you be binge-watching this January? Before you get lost in the new series of The Crown get organised with these inspiring home makeover shows. Search your Netflix for Get Organised with the Home Edit, Hoarders, and Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, these binge-worthy shows will give you the inspiration and motivation to declutter your home this January.

What does this have to do with property? Well, the answer is, everything, especially if you’re planning on moving home soon. One of the foundations of preparing your home for sale is decluttering and tidying all areas of your home. We can assure you that potential buyers will open cupboards, wardrobes and even your fridge! A disorganised home will leave potential buyers with doubts or act as a signal to them to put in a cheeky offer.

To achieve the best possible price for your property our experienced team will use all of our marketing and sales skills however a decluttered and staged home will help us to work our magic.

Top decluttering tip for home movers

Dedicate Time

Decluttering can’t be rushed so establish a plan and stick to it. Organizing guru Nicole Lewis advises setting a timer and putting your phone down to avoid distractions and tackle one drawer, cupboard, room at a time.

Make a List

Decluttering can be overwhelming, so it’s a good idea to make a list and identify the critical areas that you’d like to cover for example, your wardrobe, bathroom cupboards or the dreaded garage! Remember, decluttering is a marathon, not a sprint and will often look worse before it gets better. Follow your list and break it down into little chucks and do little and often to avoid losing motivation.

Ask for Help

Getting rid of your belongings isn’t easy for everything so we advise asking a friend or family member for help. Just like your children will not want to get rid of that toy they forgot they had you will struggle with certain items around your home so a ruthless friend will come in handy!

Be Honest

Once you’ve allocated items to declutter you can choose to throw them away, donate them to charity or sell them however do not get in to the decluttering to sell cycle. You may have good intentions to sell certain items however this takes time and energy so be honest with yourself or you’ll have bags hanging around for months!


Decluttering isn’t just about getting rid of your things, it’s also about looking for opportunities to organise and store away everything that you want to keep. There are so many different storage options available in shops like discount stores and online that you can utilise around your home. Arrange, label and store items in your wardrobes cupboards, garages and even your attic.

Now that your home is more organised it will also ease the pressure of packing. If you’re thinking of selling this January then call our team on 01633 870777 and we will be happy to provide you with a market-led valuation while you start your decluterring New Year’s resolution.